Many of us dream of bringing our own gaming creations to market. But as this banker-turned-brewer can attest, the upfront investment in time and money is significant—and success is never guaranteed.
"...I think these are exactly the kinds of details people would want to know about before they consider going down this route with their own game ideas." Yes it - as I am very much thinking about just that (I have four designs completed, and four others in the works. not sure if I want to go Kickstarter or not. But I'm itching to try SOMETHING.) Good article Thanks both of you.
"...I think these are exactly the kinds of details people would want to know about before they consider going down this route with their own game ideas." Yes it - as I am very much thinking about just that (I have four designs completed, and four others in the works. not sure if I want to go Kickstarter or not. But I'm itching to try SOMETHING.) Good article Thanks both of you.